Why It’s Important to Hire Child Custody Lawyers in Mankato, MN During Divorce Proceedings

by | Aug 10, 2017 | Lawyers

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One of the most difficult things any family can have to endure is a divorce. In addition to being emotionally taxing it can also be confusing for children who may not understand the full ramifications of what is happening to their parents. One of the most common causes of arguments in a divorce revolves around a couple’s children, and child custody lawyers in Mankato, MN can assist to ensure the most positive outcome possible. Here are just three of the ways they can help during custody disputes.

Child Support

The parent who is assigned primary custody will be awarded child support to help them cover the expenses associated with raising the children. A court system will look at a person’s income and the number of children to determine the amount of money to be given to the parent awarded full custody. Some couples can reach custody arrangement on their own, but an attorney can help when arguments arise, and custody discussions become heated.

Visitation Rights

If a parent is not deemed fit to take care of their children, then custody will be given to either the other parent or another family member. The parent who was refused custody can arrange for regular visitations so they can keep in contact with their children, and take the time needed to establish themselves to the point of being able to regain custody. Child custody lawyers in Mankato, MN can help arrange for visitation rights and ensure individuals awarded custody follow them.

Custody Modifications

During a divorce proceeding many items have to be determined quickly, which can lead to bad choices in regards to custody issues. An attorney can go to court and seek a modification of custody, which will allow a person to sue for joint custody or seek full custody if a parent proves to be unfit. Attempting to modify a custody agreement without knowledge of the legal system can lead to disaster, and wasted time and money.

A divorce isn’t easy and is often even more complicated when children are involved. The Legal team at Blatz Law Office can help ensure a positive outcome for everyone involved. Visit Blatzlawminnesota.com to learn more about the custody services they provide and take the first step in making a divorce as easy as possible for any children involved.

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