What You Do During a DUI Stop is Important

by | Nov 12, 2018 | Lawyers

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Of course, you should never drive drunk, but it still happens. How you act when you get pulled over during a DUI stop is very important. In the real world you do not have to be technically drunk to be arrested for DUI since any amount of alcohol in your system can be deemed by an overzealous officer to be thought to incapacitate you in his or her eyes. The most important thing you can do is to follow the office’s instructions to the letter. Staying as calm as you can goes a long way as well. Acting aggressively can lead to other charges as well as the opportunity for you to get hurt.

Any Infraction Can Lead to a Stop
Police officers are required to prove that they had probable cause to stop you and they will use those. Rolling through a stop sign or having a broken taillight are just two examples. When you are stopped always place your hands on the steering wheel of your car in plain sight, so the officer has no reason to fear you and treat you aggressively. Qualified DUI lawyers in Jacksonville, FL, will also tell you to always keep your license, registration and insurance documents where you can reach them quickly.

When the Blue Lights Come On
The first thing is to pull over as soon as you can do that safely. You should be polite but under no circumstances admit to anything! No matter what the officer tells you, you are not under any obligation to provide him or her with any more info than what is on your driver’s license, insurance card or registration. You are better off if you do allow a field sobriety test since if you refuse it can be used against you. If you do get arrested call the Law Firm as quickly as possible so that an attorney can start to remedy the situation quickly.

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