What is Workers Comp Pennsylvania?

by | Apr 19, 2013 | Workers' Compensation

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Workers? compensation is pretty well-known to most workers as a benefit associated with working and injury. Workers? compensation is a benefit that most employers offer to their employees if they become unable to work due to injury or disability. The disability or injury has to be related to the job, meaning the injury had to happen while the employee was working.

When an employee becomes injured at work, one of the following steps to take is to file a workers compensation form through the employer. The employee needs to prove that the injury was not pre-existing, and that the injury happened while during the scope of employment. The process can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if the employer rejects or denies the benefit.

If the employer does deny the benefit, the employee can either file an appeal or sue their employee for refusal to pay workers compensation to the employee. Workers Comp Pennsylvania covers medical expenses incurred by the employee and a partial amount or percentage of the worker’s salary for a determined amount of time. Workers Comp is more common or popular among certain types of workers due to the type of the work performed.

In many states, workers compensation is a requirement for most employers. If the employer doesn’t have worker’s compensation, the employee can sue the employer which can cost the employer a whole lot more money then what workers compensation would pay. Most worker compensation programs are designed by the company’s insurance policy. Although the company pays this fee, some times the fee is passed onto the employee and taken out of their pay-check.

If the worker gets injured on the job, then the insurance company is really the one who pays the bill, not the employer. Most employers will not dispute the injury or the payment if it is pretty obvious the injury occurred while at work and working. However, disputes arise if the worker had prior injuries that could have contributed to the injury or if the worker was negligent in anyway.

Unfortunately when a person files and receives workers? compensation, this may prevent them from obtaining work not only with that employer but for any company. Visit Swartzculleton.com for more information.

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