What is a notarized document?

by | Jul 8, 2013 | Law

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Some people can go through half their life and never be asked for a notarized document and when they finally are asked they are somewhat at sea; what is a notarized document and where do I find a notary in York PA?

A notarized document is one which has been stamped with a seal or other means which simply attests that the document was signed by someone who was able to prove their identity; hence the signature on the document is legitimate. Assuming that the document was requested by your bank, the notary watches you affix your signature and then seals it to attest to the fact that he actually witnessed you sign the document. The content of the document is of no interest to the notary, only that the signatory was able to prove his or her identity.

How to get a document notarized:

Notaries in York PA are generally not hard to find. A notary does not have to be an attorney and other than keeping up with any changes in the laws that affect notaries, the notary can be a person of good moral standing in the community. When you visit the notary he will need identification that proves you are who you say you are, this is usually a picture ID such as your driver?s license or passport. If the notary is not comfortable that you are who you say you are he or she can refuse to notarize the document.

The document you need notarized must be unsigned when you visit, the notary actually has to witness your signing the document so don?t sign it beforehand. As the notary often has to keep a copy of the document for his records, bring as many copies as you need, plus one.

If the notary is offering his services as a business, he can charge a small fee, The fees cannot be out of line, no more than $20 and often as low as $5.

Where to find the notary:

A good place to start is your bank, if you have an active account the service is usually provided for free. Not having an account with the institution does not mean the notary will not notarize your document, he will simply charge you. If not the bank, there is a notary in York PA almost everywhere; car dealerships, tax preparers, check cashing shops, etc.

There are many documents that require notarizing, when you need a notary services Abel Notary Service LLC provides top-quality service in York PA. Click here for more details.




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