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Why you need a Bankruptcy attorney Portland located

In the course of our business or personal financial lives, we may often find ourselves in a pile of debt and with an army of angry creditors chasing after our possessions. At this point, retaining the services of the best bankruptcy attorney Portland has to offer is...

Surviving Your First Holiday After A Divorce

If you or someone you know has ever gone through a divorce you know all too well just how hard it is to survive your first holiday afterwards.  Many times there are a lot of family traditions wrapped around holidays and therefore divorce can make them quite hard to...

Getting a DUI

Few things in life can be scarier than getting arrested for drunk driving, especially if it is your first time. The penalties and consequences for your actions are stiff in every state, but in California, they are especially so. Hiring a DUI lawyer in Ventura to...

Child Emancipation Issues: What to Know

There are many young people today who have found that their parent’s legal right to make their decisions and to govern their lives until they turn 18 is actually a negative thing, not a positive one. For some children, they simply must wait until they are 18 to take...