As people age, their family makes it their top priority that their elderly loved one is safe and properly cared for. While there are outstanding caregivers that provide exceptional care to their clients. There are cases when a staff or even a family member that takes advantage of the elderly person’s frail state. From physical to financial abuse, they mistreat the individual in ways that can affect their overall health. You can prevent elder neglect in Sacramento area by knowing the signs you should look for. In addition to contacting the proper authorities when you notice that a loved one is being abused or neglected.
Warning Signs to Look For
- You notice a discrepancy in their financial records or valuable items is missing.
- They flinch when you try to touch an elderly person.
- You notice the visible signs of abuse such as unexplained bruises or increased injuries.
- Bed sores dehydrated or malnourished are signs of elder neglect in Sacramento.
- The individual seems withdrawn or depressed.
- They are combative when trying to dress them or do not want you to touch certain areas of their body while trying to care for them.
- The caregiver does not want you to spend time alone with the individual.
What to Do If You Suspect Abuse
You should immediately report any suspected signs of neglect and abuse to the proper authority. However, the resources and manpower available to investigate elderly neglect is limited. Often leaving a case not thoroughly investigated or overlooked. At Ed Dudensing Attorney at Law, they want to ensure the safety of your loved one. An attorney will consult with you to determine if your family member is being abused. Once they determine you have a claim, they will start the process of gathering evidence to support your claim and to file a civil suit against the responsible party.