Filing for bankruptcy is an important decision. It adversely affects your credit for a number of years and forces you to give up control of your finances. But if you’re in a financial bind or have lost your job, you might not have a choice. That’s where a local bankruptcy attorney can help you.
How do bankruptcy attorneys make the process of filing easier?
Determine Your Qualification Type
A bankruptcy attorney in Lutz will determine whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you have very little money and no income, you’ll probably qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 enables you to eliminate most debt and get a fresh start.
Chapter 13, on the other hand, reorganizes your debt with a monthly payment you can afford.
Assist with Paperwork
There are a number of forms you’ll need to complete when filing for bankruptcy. Your bankruptcy attorney helps you fill them out correctly so that your case moves forward.
Eliminate Harassing Calls
If you’re at a point where you can’t pay your bills, you’ll probably get a lot of annoying calls from creditors. These calls might even feel nasty or threatening, even though legally creditors must restrict what they say and do. Filing for bankruptcy puts an end to these calls through the automatic stay. All debt collection efforts against you must end the moment you file.
Insured Professional
A reputable bankruptcy attorney in Lutz will usually carry malpractice insurance to protect him if he makes a mistake on your bankruptcy case. You will, in turn, be compensated for any losses you sustain.
When you hire a bankruptcy attorney, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of winning your case. This enables you to either extricate yourself from or minimize your debt and get on with your life.
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