After working your entire career in the diesel industry, you may look forward to your nearing retirement. However, when your doctor has diagnosed you with an aggressive illness that can only be traced back to the fumes and substances that you were exposed to while working, you have a limited opportunity to take action against your employer.
Rather than initiate and handle your case on your own, you need the experience and assertiveness of a stomach cancer lawyer representing you. Here are a few reasons to contact an attorney.
Acting within the Statute of Limitations
The state gives you only so many months to take action against the employer that either unwittingly or purposely exposed you to toxins that contributed to your cancer. You need to file a claim against the company’s workers comp insurer and also file a lawsuit in court.
Your attorney can file both of these action on your behalf as quickly as possible so that you beat the statute of limitations. The insurer and the court can both then consider your claims and render judgments.
To get the judgments in your favor, you need an attorney arguing your case for you. You could walk away with a judgment or settlement. You can find out more about the reasons for hiring a stomach cancer lawyer online. Contact the Diesel Injury Law by visiting our website.