One of the most difficult situations for a person to handle on their own is dealing with an insurance company after an automobile accident. Most insurance companies will try to push an accident victim into accepting settlement soon after an accident has occurred....
Bankruptcy Attorney Effingham IL: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13
When you walk into a law firm and tell that you want to file bankruptcy the first thing they are going to ask you is what kind of bankruptcy you are interested in filing. Unless you have filed before or you know someone who has filed you may or may not know what they...
Hire an Experienced Paternity Attorney in Kansas City to Achieve the Outcome You Need
In Kansas, almost 40% of all children are born to unmarried parents. In 1980, out-of-wedlock births were only 12% of all births. When a child is born to married parents, they are legally presumed to be the mother and father. When the father and mother are not married,...
Helping You to Understand Family Law in Brainerd, MN
Are you having family related issues that you are unable to resolve on your own? Do you feel you need professional advice? Other than talking to a family counselor, you may also want to consider talking to a legal professional who is experienced in these matters....
What Will It Cost Me to File Social Security Disability?
Medical bills, rent, paying for your child?s living expenses ? a monthly income is essential for keeping you and your family afloat. When you?re unable to work because of a disability, what can you do? What will it cost you to file for disability benefits? More...