The rock group "Billy Talent" had a fantastic name back in the late 90's. They called themselves Pezz until the manufacturers of the small pill-like pink candies sued them because they stole the name. There is a line in corporate branding, and it can be hard to find...
Reasons Obtaining a Personal Injury Attorney in Allentown PA after an Accident is Wise
People who are injured in an auto accident face a number of unexpected challenges in a short amount of time. Suddenly they are thrust into a situation that can include damage to their body, the need for medical attention and the inability to work. This can cause a...
What Is A Personal Injury Attorney?
A personal injury attorney is a legal professional who represents a person who has sustained injuries as a result of negligence on the part of another. A Waukegan personal injury attorney deals with civil law which in the US is the tort law system; this is unlike a...
Call an Injury Lawyer in Moore, OK when Insurance won’t Settle
Car insurance must be purchased for every vehicle. This is to protect the driver and anyone he or she may be in an accident with. If they are hit by another driver, the other driver's insurance is supposed to cover the medical bills, car repair bills, and other...
Three Pieces of Advice Your Lisle Child Custody Attorney Will Give You
Child custody lawsuits can be very emotional. Having to fight for the custody of a child can make it hard for a parent to stay in control of their emotions and show the judge that they are stable enough to deal with a stressful situation. Something that tends to...