Being behind on your bills is a very upsetting experience for you. When your creditors start calling demanding payment, it is a very disheartening and overwhelming encounter. You do not have to face this alone. There is a bankruptcy lawyer in Bristol, TN that is waiting to help you. The lawyer can help you restructure your debts and stop the creditors from calling you.
If a foreclosure has been filed against you, the lawyer will be able to explain the foreclosure process to you, so you will know what to expect. After you meet with the lawyer, he will be able to tell you what options are available to you. You may be eligible for a payment plan with the mortgage company, or if you meet the requirements, you may be eligible to have your loan modified which could result in your loan being brought current, your interest rate lowered, or your payment may be reduced. The lawyer will negotiate with your creditor and their attorney and keep you advised as to the status. Your lawyer may advise you that your best option is to file bankruptcy. A bankruptcy filing will stop all collection attempts by your creditors including foreclosure actions and collection phone calls.
In a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you provide the court with a list of all of your debts, income, and assets. After careful review, you will be told the debts that will be forgiven, the debts that you will have to pay, and the assets you will give up or retain. In a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, your debts will be adjusted so that you can make your payments, and you will be able to keep your assets. These are very basic descriptions of the bankruptcy chapters. Bankruptcy law is very complicated and an attorney should be consulted to advise you.
When you call the attorney and set up an appointment, you will be told what you need to bring to the appointment. Your attorney will answer any questions or concerns you have and discuss the available options that you may have, request an appointment at Dean Greer & Associates. After your initial consultation, your lawyer will advise you as to what is your best course of action and be with you until it has been completed.