Ione Marich

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Bankruptcy Murrieta

During a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Murrieta, a debtor's assets are liquidated with limited exceptions for living necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing. The proceeds of this liquidation are used to pay off the creditors. Generally, once this process is complete,...

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What is a birth injury attorney?

If, during the birthing process, a child is injured or harmed due to the negligence of the attending physician or any of the attending staff, this may be cause to sue for medical malpractice. Perhaps the injury is only temporary, unfortunately though, injuries to the...

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DUI bail bonds: Social Contract and Law

Driving while intoxicated, or any form of distracted driving constitutes a public risk. When you partake in either act you make yourself a risk to other people without any form of public consent, or strong benefit to yourself. We accept that in a free society people...

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