Often in cases where a professional is in a position of trust and authority and there is a financial issue charges of embezzlement or theft are brought against the professional. In this situation, and because of the serious short and long term implications of this...
Ione Marich
Reasons Why You Might Consider Using A Disability Lawyer
A disability lawyer in Aurora is a legal professional who focuses his or her practice on Social Security disability claims. The lawyer provides invaluable assistance when the individual is first applying for benefits as well as those whose application was denied....
Three Ways a Family Law Attorney in Spokane, WA Can Assist in Your Child Support Case
Divorce brings with it many issues for former spouses to work out, including how you both will financially support your children. For this reason, it's best to work with an attorney who will take the time to get to know you and your family and help you determine what...
How To File For Bankruptcy And Rebuild Your Credit
Have you been thinking about filing for bankruptcy? If so, you should know that you're not alone. In the United States, approximately one million people file for bankruptcy each year. Plus, there are at least another five hundred thousand who wonder if bankruptcy is...
How A Personal Injury Lawyer in Carrollton, GA Could Be Key In Getting What You Deserve
Have you recently been injured in a car accident or because you fell in someone else's establishment? If your injury happened because someone else was careless, you may be able to get money in to help mitigate the effects of lost wages or high medical bills. However,...